Monday, March 19, 2007

Sitting In internet "com. vention" conference 2007

since internet is my life i decided i really have to be here. Israel is playing a very very important role in the internet virtual sphere. I joined multi person panels which the most influencing people in the internet world have participated. Here is the guest list.

here are some insights being written online in the convention:

I participated in smaller classes dealing with other more practical issues , like web optimization.
( something very annoying was that some of the lecturers in those classes , just didnt arrive.

I'm sitting right now (wireless is wonderful , isn't it ? ) in a panel about web 3.0 marketing. An interactive advertising offices competitionjust ended and there were some amazing campeign here.

The most moving campeign was "tfila - a prayer" for a world prayer for returning the 3 kidnapped Israeli soldiers. It was published on ( it's not there anymore if anyone can publish a link here i'll be happy).

There was a great pillow fight , vacum cleaner race....etc....

also , everybody here asking to main questions ( to many times!!!)
1. 5 years from now.....?
2. Is there another internet bubble?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Introducing CBNotifier

So , as i said we are working on a few projects. One of them is CBNotifier. This tool helps internet marketers to follow their sales on Clickbank. Right now our website only contains the free version. This version gives an on screen notification when a sale is made. This version also supports multiple clickbank accounts. We are currently working on two main things. having the full version done,this version will have much more features for following the uses' sales and also a few features that will help him to even INCREASE his sales. The 2nd thing is working on our web design. we got comments from our users and other people going into our website that we need to improve it. so meanwhile we added a software "box" , which we are going to upgrade and also working on the general design of the website. A good looking website makes your costumer stay longer and read your sales latter. please add your comments on the design and other improvements . Have a look at the website here.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Here we go...

A lot of things running in my mind. i'm not really sure where to begin. Me and my partner are planing a few projects on the web. I do promise to explain more about them in the next posts. As this blog description says,i really feel that internet projects is my field and something i'm good at. You just need the patience for that. I do have it and meanwhile i'm learning from my mistakes and other peoples' mistakes. hoping you can help me out here too.